On Emilio Perez

On Emilio Perez



As part of our collaboration with Galerie, four new works by artist Emilio Perez are available via private sale through ART FOR CHANGE and are on view at Ralph Pucci International in Miami through January 31, 2023.  A Cuban-American Brooklyn-based artist, Perez’s dynamic landscapes and figuration investigate memory and narrative construction through color and perspective. The artist’s work takes a personal turn in these paintings, investigating intimate landscapes from memories of yore through evocative layering and surrealistic shapes and movement.


Inquire with hello@artforchange.com regarding availability.



Life of Illusion, 2022

Oil on Linen

70 x 66 inches



Perez spent time in Brazil before ultimately growing up in Miami where he would receive his undergraduate degree from The University of Florida's New World School of the Arts Program. The artist's oeuvre takes his distinctive reductionist technique and applies it to personal subjects, in all-encompassing, abundant compositions. With a number of public art projects under his belt, Perez’s subjects engage historical and cultural subject matter in dreaming, sweeping landscapes with pulsing forms and surface effects that constantly reveal new, surprising details. Past projects have included the largest mural in Havana, Cuba, honoring poet and philosopher José Martí, commissioned for the 2019 Havana Biennale. 


When I See You, 2022

Oil on Linen

36 x 36 inches



Constantly pushing his own personal and contextual boundaries, Perez’s landscapes envelop the viewer in cavernous, expansive terrains, unveiling rich narratives through use of color and illustrative titles that play with the boundaries between fantasy and reality. Building up rich layers in washes of oil, and then cutting and carving them back with a knife, the artist imbues his shapes and highlights with life, evoking the Latin American and Caribbean landscapes of his memory.


Back from Nowhere, 2022

Oil on linen

70 x 66 inches



Awarded a place as the current SmartStamp Artist in Residence, the rich textural variety of his well-honed practice is proving practical use in advancing groundbreaking artist-supported applications for Machine Learning technology—specifically using surface and material qualities to validate digital Certificates of Authenticity for new works. Perez’s distinctive style presents an exemplary application of these new technologies with the peeling and reduction of colors and layers in his narrative landscapes.

 Golden Ours, 2022

Oil on Linen

70 x 66 inches


Curated in collaboration with Galerie, these four, striking new works revel in the dualities of darkness and light in constructed memory, unfolding evocative emotional expressions before viewers with technical prowess and delicacy. 

Inquire with hello@artforchange.com regarding availability.