Art in Motion

The Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games are here, a highly anticipated event featuring competitive games between countries that many look forward to with great excitement!

The Olympics, a global stage for the world's finest athletes, transcend mere sportsmanship to embody the human spirit's creativity and resilience. These works capture the essence of competition, the beauty of the human form in motion, and the emotional narratives that unfold in the quest for glory.

Explore a collection featuring works surrounding athletic feats by Corey Wash, Jamaal Peterman, Na’ye Perez, Shaun Ellison, Hein Koh, and more!

Shaun Ellison, 2021; Connors
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Shaun Ellison, 2021; Connors

Shaun Ellison


Shaun Ellison, French Open, 2021; Acrylic on Paper
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