Anya Kielar

Anya Kielar (b. 1978, New York, NY) earned a BFA from The Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY and an MFA from Columbia University, New York, NY. Kielar has been featured in exhibitions at the Rubell Family Collection, Miami, FL; The Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA; the FLAG Art Foundation, New York, NY; White Columns, New York, NY; and the Zabludowicz Collection, London, England, among many others. Kielar received the Martin Birbaum Scholarship in 2004, a Columbia University General Scholarship in 2003, and the Leslie-Lohman Award for Visual Arts in 2002. Her work is included in the Dikeou Collection, Denver, CO; Henry Art Gallery at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA; the Rubell Family Collection, Miami, FL; the Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, Saratogaprings, NY; and the Zabuldowicz Collection, London, England. Kielar lives and works in New York, NY.