Angela Heisch

Angela Heisch (b. 1989, Auckland, NZ) lives and works in Brooklyn, NY (US). She received a BA Fine Arts from University at Potsdam, SUNY, NY (US) in 2011, and an MFA from University at Albany, SUNY, NY (US) in 2014. Recent solo and two person exhibitions include Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London (UK); Davidson Gallery, New York, NY (US); Projet Pangée, Montréal (CA); Transmitter Gallery, New York, NY (US); Gallery 106 Green, New York, NY (US). Group presentations include Romancing the Surface, curated by Loie Hollowell at GRIMM, Amsterdam (NL) and Present Generations, at Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus OH (US). Her work is held in the permanent collection of Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus OH (US) and ICA Miami, FL (US).